
GrailPeak African Igbo Outfits

Original price was: ₦75,000.00.Current price is: ₦70,000.00.



 The GrailPeak African Igbo Outfits  is 100% quality.

This particular style is a special one and a product of our unique creativity.  We design the top and the pant  to fit your body  shape and size.

The top and pant comes with the best quality  material, Cashmere which is the most suitable for the Senator styles.

The overall jacket is the ISIAGU or ISHI AGU,  for this design, we use the most suitable material which is either the supper wax cotton or the wool. These materials look more like the dashiki and it is very unique.

You need this style because it is unique, and it makes you standout. The special thing about this style is that, it makes you famous because people who wear it are the famous people.

For instance, the chiefs, the council of Traditional Rulers and other prestigious men and women of Igboland.

This style and other styles are  available at GrailPeak Shopand it comes in different sizes.

Our GrailPeak African Igbo Outfits are available upon request and it usually takes two weeks for production and delivery. The cap or hat does not come with this style but can be made available upon request.

We have experienced and professional designers taking care of your styles.

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